施耐德电气有限公司(Schneider Electric SA )是世界500强企业之一, 1836年由Schneider施耐德兄弟建立。如今,它的总部位于法国吕埃,Schneider Electric施耐德电气公司是全球能效管理领域的领导者,为100多个国家的能源及基础设施、工业、数据中心及网络、楼宇和住宅市场提供整体解决方案,在住宅应用领域也拥有强大的市场能力。2012财年,Schneider Electric施耐德在全球的总营收达到240亿欧元,在100多个国家拥有超过140,000名员工。
从发电、输电到用电,Schneider Electric施耐德电气可为各个行业提供量身定制的高效解决方案。截至2003 年,全球预计将投资13 万亿美元,用于升级改造全球的输配电网络。各类设施的能耗及用电量分别占到了全球能耗的1/3和总电量的70%。它们也属于Schneider Electric施耐德电气面向全部市场的一部分。如果这些不同的市场可以在设施层面解决能源浪费,那么他们所面临的能源管理和碳排放等头等难题也将得以缓解并顺利解决。而这正是Schneider Electric施耐德电气能效管理解决方案所设定的目标:使建筑和运营管理更加高效,并实现高达30%的节能目标。
Schneider Electric SE is a French multinational corporation that specialises in energy management and automation solutions, spanning hardware, software, and services. Native of France, the company is headquartered in Rueil-Malmaison and is also based at the World Trade Center of Grenoble with offices throughout the world. A Fortune Global 500 company, Schneider Electric is publicly traded on the Euronext Exchange and is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index. In FY2016, the company posted revenues of about €25 billion.
Schneider Electric is the parent company of Square D, Pelco, APC and others. As of 2016, the company has 20,000 patents either active or in application worldwide; the company has 144,000 employees in approximately 100 countries worldwide.
Schneider Electric has had its head office in the Trianon site in Rueil-Malmaison, France since 2000. The current headquarters, also located in Rueil Malmaison and known as the Hive, previously housed Schneider subsidiary Télémécanique, while the parent company occupied a site in Boulogne-Billancourt.
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